Walking our first day from Tidal River along the Southern Circuit of Wilsons Prom, we arrive at our evening destination with a creek to cross at Sealers Cove. It’s not lucky to be low tide, that was all part of our leader’s planning and our hustle. We’re all across safely with dry packs. Wet legs as we sank into the soft sand, but we’d tied our laces and slung our boots around our necks, shoved our trousers into our packs and held our packs high about our heads. One short woman sank to her hips but she didn’t fall. How beautiful to arrive in daylight, with an easeful ending and time to enjoy the views after pitching our tents. Through the darkness of night with no moon glowing, groups of taller people arrived at high tide. New moon, very high tide. Faces did not look happy as they appeared in the campground while we were sipping cups of hot tea after dinner. Can you imagine how wet they were? Cold too. Thank you to our reliable leader and her good planning.