Rowena Scott, Writer

Lover of nature, walker, writer, traveller, tai chi enthusiast

Welcome to

my journey

Why I Walk

“What do you do?” people generally ask when you first meet them. I’ve always struggled to answer. My job or career never defined me. “I cycle” I answered for a few years but after a terrible cycling accident, I didn’t cycle for many months. Now I often say, “I walk”.

I walk in beautiful places.

I walk slowly discovering small wonders and other times at pace; sometimes with no purpose simply needing to be outdoors with no roof above, no walls blocking me in, breathing fresh air.

I walk alone in silence frequently and I walk with friends often.

I write about my walks to remember the wonderful places and experiences. I write to reveal these wonders to others. 

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“I love to walk.”

I especially love to walk in natural surroundings. I love to hear sounds of wild birds and frogs. Sometimes I stop to really listen to their calls, sometimes I can listen as I walk. I wonder what they’re saying to each other. I delight that they are free and safe.

I love to walk alone in silence. Yet I love to walk with friends.