Rowena Scott, Writer

Walk from Whakapapa Village

Walking starts after coffee. Good coffee from a fun-looking van. Then a shuttle bus ride and check in at the Visitor Centre in Whakapapa Village before we start walking Tongariro Northern Circuit, New Zealand. Yesterday, we traveled all morning by bus from Wellington to reach National Park, which still seems deserted of tourists and other walkers. Lots of logistics to get to the start of this walking trail after flights from Australia. Lots to prepare too. We’re ready for snow and cold, rainy, alpine conditions in summer. We’ve read a brochure or two but most of us have no idea what’s ahead.

Are we ready for volcanic activity? We’ve been warned that the track passes close to several active volcanic vents yet we’ll stay on the track. Who knows what lies underfoot beyond the track? Not ours to discover.

Our first day takes us through heather, then through a forest, past the massive cone of Mount Ngāuruhoe, finally around Pukekaikiore, a total of 9.4 kms to Mangatepopo Hut.