We walked uphill yesterday from our beach landing. Today we’re higher. Now to enjoy the views. I recognise the sand dune in the distance, towering white against dark forest. We saw that dune up close from the boat on our cruise from Port Arthur. Looking back, a sense of wonder at distance travelled blends into a feeling of smallness alongside enormity, amazement too that we’ve come so far so quickly. Plenty of time to ponder. Plenty of spaciousness enables our pondering. The cliff edge is sheer, dangerous, yet there’s safety on the track. Wind swirls the binaries into stillness: small-huge, far-close, danger-safety, fast-slow and high mountains-sea level. Extremes merge in a great expanse of grey. So much so soon; we sit awhile staring out to sea. How different from sitting in an office staring at a computer screen, another binary, a healing.