Rowena Scott, Writer

Walk to see Dove Lake

Walking amongst day tourists feels strange when we carry full-laden packs, especially uphill on a narrow track. From Crater Lake the crowds converge. Sunshine warns us of the steep terrain. It’s hot. We check with each other to drink. At Marion’s Lookout, we need a lunch break yet we’ve walked less than three kilometres. Our bus ride from Launceston began at first light, 6am, and one of our group was still working online until 3am. A little further on up, this view of Dove Lake stops us. Dove Lake is so much wider and longer than Crater Lake below, Hanson Lake behind. Is that Cradle Mountain? Our research seems long forgotten. Medical tests had taken priority. Waiting for next appointments, I’m just happy to be here, a most enjoyable way to wait. I’ll be as physically fit as possible for surgery. A flat rocky trail leads to Kitchen Hut where others walk the side-trip up to the summit of Cradle Mountain. Today’s distance of eleven kilometres doesn’t sound much yet we agree that’s enough for us today. Again we don’t linger with dozens of groups of people. The crowd thins as day walkers return to Ronny Creek. The track narrows. It’s starting to feel like a wonderful multi-day walk.